Can I fert while cycling

Depends on how you are cycling. Plants use ammonium but can also be harmed by elevated ammonia levels. If you started with healthy plants, they should be OK without ferts during the cycle. If they need anything it would be the micronutrients and trace stuff as the ammonia and any nitrate being created would provide the macro nutrients.

I never wrote the article on cycling with plants. I have actually started on it finally. One of the key elements to the process is the changes to the ammonia dosing. Less is needed the more plants one has. With enough plants one can stock without cycling by doing it in stages rather than all at once. The best way to know safe a tank is for for doing this is to add a small dose of ammonia (1 to 2 ppm) and then seeing how much time it takes to disappear and then how much or little nitrate shows up.

Basically, plants and/or bacteria can handle the base of the cycle in a tank- ammonia/ammonium- it is food for both.
I thought the title might have a typo and I was picturing someone on a bike.

(sorry). :)

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