Can I Feed These To My Fish?


If you're a cory and you know it clap your.. hands
Nov 13, 2005
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I looked in the water butt this afternoon and I saw some fly larvae swimming around.

They're about 5mm long, colourless and swim by thrashing from side to side.
Anyway, I thought they looked pretty tasty for my Endler fry so I went ahead and after swirling a fish net in the water butt for about 20 seconds I managed to capture about 80 or so of the things.
I poured most in my fry tank but some in my Killifish/Corydora tank and they seemed to love them (the fry especially).

Anyways, I'd just like to check if anyone else does this/if it's not good for them/if you could identify what these creatures could be.

Thanks :)
Most likely mosquito larvae - I feed them to my fish too :). Extremely unlikely to have any fish diseases unless you have fish in your water butt ;).

Do they look like this?

mosquito larvae are always present in water butts,,,,
sounds ok but just make sure you dont over do it otherwise they wont get eaten, hatch out in to mozi's and then your plauged :crazy:
three-fingers said:
Most likely mosquito larvae - I feed them to my fish too :). Extremely unlikely to have any fish diseases unless you have fish in your water butt ;).

Do they look like this?


yeah those are them :)

nelly said:
make sure you dont over do it otherwise they wont get eaten

These are Endler fry ;) They don't stop eating!! :lol:
My fish love them. I get those in my barrel and also some little round things that swim differently. Really good for fish with sb issues. I love it when you lot dont know what a water butt is! :hyper: :hyper: No its not someone with a big flabby bottom :shout: :shout: :shout: :shout:
If you end up with too many for your fish to eat, you can put them in suspended animation by putting them in a cup in the fridge. Take a few out with a pipette, let them warm up and swim again and then feed em to the fry. I use them for conditioning bettas, which absolutely love them.

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