Can I Feed My Fish This


Fact. Bears eat beets. Bears.Beets.Battlestar
Oct 7, 2008
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i have a marine tank with tang chromis and clown and gobys and stuff could i give them syuff like spinach lettuce or peas or any veg to give variety
only the tangs would be interesed i think. I have seen someone feed lettuce before, but i would get a sheet of sea veggies, i would imagine thats far better for your tang. Its important they do get to graze on something though.
whats a sheet of see vegies is it from lfs
again whats nori
Basically a sheet of seaweed, or similar, that tangs can eat. It's dried and needs weighing down :good: They should be available from any good LFS :nod:
oh ok thanks should i soakn it in aqaurium water first
Basically a sheet of seaweed, or similar, that tangs can eat. It's dried and needs weighing down :good: They should be available from any good LFS :nod:
Also available from most supermarkets - it's used to wrap round sushi
would that be ok as i have some of that sushi sea weed sheets
yeah nori can be had at a supermarket. Get a sea weed clip from your lfs. 99p at mine. Then a box of sea veggie sheets is like £3
oh ok thanks thats todays breakfast lol
Sorry, not very clear was I again :blush:

Bae1994 asked if you needed to rince it, by drop it strait in, I ment weight it and then throw it in so it sinks, without washing it first :rolleyes:

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