Can I Do Anything Marine


Dec 6, 2009
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Oregon IL
I have two empty 10 gallon aquariums sitting here doing absolutely nothing. Is there anything I can do with them when it comes to saltwater? Would I be able to put any fish in it or is it too small?

I have a 29G freshwater tropical tank in my home now. I do in-home care and my boss said I can set up a small tank at his house. I am there Mon-Fri and could go over on weekends if needed.

I'm dying to try something with saltwater but need to get the hang of it before I switch my 29G over. Is 29G big enough for anything once I get the hang of it?
Smaller tanks are harder than larger ones. If you plan on switching your 29G over regardless, I would just start with that one. It will be a whole of a lot easier and you will have so many more options!

A 10G you are very limited fish-wise. Maybe a small goby. And the water parameters could change quicker than you would like!
Well the other problem is getting permission from the other half to switch the 29G over. He howls every time I mention it! What would you suggest being the smalled marine tank?
Never having done one before, I wouldn't suggest going under 20G. Bigger the better :good:
That 10 extra gallons gives you much more options all around.

As for the other half, just show him all the cool pictures of tanks there are. Then take him to the LFS and show him all of the cool tanks and fish and corals and shrimp and crabs there... You'll get him eventually :)
I have. He still howls over $$ and so forth. He did say I could get a bigger tank if I can find a Hex tank :D I'll keep working on the Marine idea!
Thanks for the input. Guess the 10G will be set up for maybe a dwarf puffer *sigh*

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