Can I add one more oto?


Fish Fanatic
Jun 8, 2004
Reaction score
Great Neck, NY.
Right now, i have 4 neons, 4 black neons, 3 peppered corys, and 2 otos in my tank. (A little bit overstocked.)

But i did fishless cycle before i added those fish, and i have aquaclear 30, which can take care up to 30 gallon, so i think it would be OK to put one more oto.

The reason that i wanna add one more is that i wanna take care of those algae in my tank. It's all over the place!

I added those otos for thta algae, but they only stay in the back hiding and not doing that much.

So, can i add one more oto in there?
ottos do stay V.small.
If your tank is overstocked then you can make it up by doing water changes
It's 10 gallon (U.S.)

Dimension is 20 inch x 10 inch x 12 inch.

I have Aquaclear 30 filter for that right now.

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