Can I add one live plant?


Fish Crazy
Feb 6, 2004
Reaction score
Madison area, Wisconsin USA
I know NOTHING about planted tanks, but intend to learn, as I'm bored with my 75 gal, and would like to renovate this summer.

However, I was thinking, could I ditch the little fake plant and put in one live (easy beginner plant) for my betta? Just a 1.6 gal hex with gravel substrate.....thought it may look nicer, more natural for him, and perhaps benefit him as well.

Is this ok to do, of so what would you reccommend, and is there anything I need to keep in mind if I DO do this? Pros/Cons?

I'd recommend the Java Fern if you want a plant. Very low-maintenance, my Bettas absolutely love it, and it doesn't require a lot of the heavy-duty lighting many other plants require. It also helps keep ammonia levels in check (though it doesn't replace the need for frequent water changes), and the leaves are wide enough that Bettas can hide in it or rest on it.

Cons? Well, occasionally, you have to clean up a dead leaf. I think that's about it, though.
Well heck, even a few dead leaves to clean up is fine!

He's actually been flaring at his ugly, unrealistic fake plant, I wonder if HE doesn't like it TOO.

Either that, or he's just looking for something to do.....because he does rest 'in' it too.

I'm a plant-killer from way back, but one never-fail that's great in a betta tank is a dwarf anubias nana. Slow-growing, but low light requirement and very tough. Get one that's growing on a small rock or piece of bog wood, and it's a perfect centrepiece for a betta tank.

I also float stems of elodea or hornwort, and if they get too manky, throw them out and get some more :D .
Vicki I hear ya.....

You ain't gonna find no green thumb on MY hand! I'm just not a responsible plant person!

I know what java fern looks like, I will try to find a photo and info on what you're talking about too....

Thanks for the replies!

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