Fish Crazy
I know NOTHING about planted tanks, but intend to learn, as I'm bored with my 75 gal, and would like to renovate this summer.
However, I was thinking, could I ditch the little fake plant and put in one live (easy beginner plant) for my betta? Just a 1.6 gal hex with gravel substrate.....thought it may look nicer, more natural for him, and perhaps benefit him as well.
Is this ok to do, of so what would you reccommend, and is there anything I need to keep in mind if I DO do this? Pros/Cons?
However, I was thinking, could I ditch the little fake plant and put in one live (easy beginner plant) for my betta? Just a 1.6 gal hex with gravel substrate.....thought it may look nicer, more natural for him, and perhaps benefit him as well.
Is this ok to do, of so what would you reccommend, and is there anything I need to keep in mind if I DO do this? Pros/Cons?