Can I Add My Male Betta to This Community?


Fish Fanatic
Oct 9, 2003
Reaction score
Tampa, Florida
Hi, I have eight fish, all have been with us about four weeks. I have a male betta in a separate gallon bowl. The problem is that his bowl gets really gross in less than a week (it looks like there are things hanging from the little plant and floating in the water, that are brown). My mom things that it is mold.

I have a tank with six neon blue tetras, a tequila sunrise guppy, a male red swordtail in it. I want to add a Cory to this tank as well. Is it ok to move the male betta into this community? My mom thinks the tetras may nibble at his fins. It is an Eclipse tank and stays really clean.

Hi lgreenmk and welcome to the forum. :hi:

There are a lot of people on this forum who know more about bettas than I do, so I'll let them give you an answer. But I saw your post and wanted to say hello.

It would help if you could tell us how large your tank is. :D
That's probably my only problem. It is a three gallon tank (no one told me about the inch per gallon rule until after I bought the fish). The other fish all seem to be doing well (they are small). There seems to be plenty of room.

I don't mind leaving the betta separate, but I don't want to have another filtration system to worry about (single mom of a three year old). I guess it would help to find out what is causing the "grossness" in the betta's bowl and be able to stop it.

Still, once some of the other fish die off, I wouldn't mind ultimately adding the betta to the rest of the "family".
u would have some probs with your set up! in a 3 gallon tank your betta would probably be nibbled on by all those tetras and he might attack the guppies thinking they are small male bettas. and it's just not enough space 4 them all. i would keep him seperate and with a turkey baster suck out any food or poop u c in his bowl and once a week do a full water change.....unless u cycle it.....i'm sure someone else will tell u about that. this should keep his bowl clean. i keep my guys in 1/2 gallons and don't have any problems with grossness
well each betta are different, i took the a chance in getting a male betta for my tank and it turned out ok he loves it in there, he flared at other fish for about a day but didn't attack but other people on the forum had the bettas attack other fish, but take the chance in getting him but watch him very carefully!!! 8) good luck if you deside to get one!! :D
The grossness in the bowl is probably brown algae caused by the ammonia in the bowl. For further information please follow the link in my sig which should explain the background to it all. It is possible to cycle a fish bowl which should keep it cleaner in future, and be much healthier for your fish.

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