Can I Add My Fish With 0.25 Nitrite?


New Member
Apr 16, 2008
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I've been cycling with fish food and my nitrite is at about 0.25, would it be alright to get my fish tomorrow as the ones that I am getting are quite hardy?(guppies/neon tetras) Because if not I will have to wait another week or more before I am able to get them.
I recommend waiting the additional week before adding any fish, otherwise what's the point of a fishless cycle? While not as harmful as ammonia, nitrite is still detrimental to your fish. :good:
Also, due to massive overbreeding, Guppies and Neons are nowhere near as hardy as they used to be. Neons aren't a good choice until the tank has matured (not the same as cycled), which is a good 4/5 months.
Im still just a newbie ...but I wanted to add that Im also at the tail end of cycling, waiting for ntritites to fall to 0. A few weeks ago, I measured .25 for 3 days in a row and then it shot back up so there's a chance that could still happen ...and with fish in the tank...better to just wait I'd think.

Believe me I understand the torture...Im over 40 days with this cycle. it sucks
have a read of the topic 'when is a cycle finished' in the scientific section where we are discussing just this

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