Can I add anymore fish?

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Feb 17, 2020
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Hi everyone, just wondering if I could add anymore fish, my tank is 240l its the jewel rio 240. My stocking is -
4 angelfish
20 tetras
12 Cory catfish
8 guppies


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Depends how often you want to do water changes. Also I would recommend getting some real plants. I think you could increase your tetras to 25. But I think someone with more experience would be better suited to answer this question.
Hi my angelfish are already adults & do not go for any of the fish. I've got neons, black neon, glow lights and rummy nose.
I had two angelfish fish in a 55 gallon tank, they were a mate pair, one grew to over 6 inch the other over 4 inches, nice looking colorful tank.
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I think they've got a tad more to grow, the tank looks stocked nicely.

What are nitrate levels at?
More guppies? Just have some males as well as females and you'll have plenty.

5ppm is a wonderful spot to be.

I suppose you have room to add some small fish, but the tank looks great in my opinion.
More guppies? Just have some males as well as females and you'll have plenty.

5ppm is a wonderful spot to be.

I suppose you have room to add some small fish, but the tank looks great in my opinion.
Thank-you, I do love it, I just love the guppies and wish I'd of got more guppies than tetras but oh well! Thanks for advice
Not sure anyone has mentioned this but guppies are hardwater fish every other fish you have is a soft water fish. Id get rid of all the guppies and replace them with tetras.
Having said that i think your tank is stocked pretty close to the max, i tend to under stock my tanks leads to less problems in the long run.
Wow, you have the same sub as in my 2nd tank which is heavily planted, which softens the stark edges of the ornaments imho. I hated this tank at first which also has Aqua coarse sand same as yours but my wife likes the cheesy ornaments, as I call them lol. The plants really do make a big difference so Iv got a few cory, Nerite snails, which will be followed by deep red shrimps and it will look awesome tho it's only 70 ltr. My 120 ltr has similar stocking to you so I wouldn't worry about adding more. Mine are mint fish with only an odd loss at first setup. All depends on the quality of filtration , you didn't say what type ? Is it bio or mech ? , feeding is a big issue as most over feed and keep to a routine of water changes as that's a good start. So in essence , based on little info I would say yes , add more, but add live plants to soften the bare outline and you won't regret it.
Sorry it duplicated images, don't no why, but these tanks are a work in progress and an enjoyable learning curve. The " cheesy tank " will have more nerites and Java moss this week so if it works then it's gotta be right. My nitrate from the tap is way beyond your tank, so experiment .

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