Can I Add Anymore Fish?


Fish Fanatic
Nov 16, 2006
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I have a Biube (35 litre) and i have the following in it.

4 Neons
2 Rummy nose tetras
1 male Betta (fighter fish)
2 Danios
1 molly

I'd like to add a few more rummys to the stock...all seem fine and get along ok.

I have a Biube (35 litre) and i have the following in it.

4 Neons
2 Rummy nose tetras
1 male Betta (fighter fish)
2 Danios
1 molly

I'd like to add a few more rummys to the stock...all seem fine and get along ok.

What I would reccommend doing is keeping either the neons or rummies (and bring their numbers up to 6) and rehome the group you don't keep. The betta can stay in there (as long as he is getting along with everyone), but you should also rehome the danios as they too need a bigger school and are too active for a 10 gallon. Depending on the type of molly it may get to 4" or so, so you may want to rehome it too (I know it sounds like you'd be getting rid of a lot of fish but its in the fishes, and yours, best interest!). A better solution would be to get a bigger tank :hyper: So say if your final stocking was 6 rummies(or)neons plus the betta, you could add a few more fish/invertabraes such as khuli loaches, dwarf cories, snails, shrimps ADFs etc...
Yeah, the general rule for smaller tanks is 1" of fish per gallon. So you'd be able to get 10" of fish (adult size). Some folks say you could get away with double that, but generally less is more in a smaller tank with them being quite hard to keep stable parameter wise.

2 x Rummynoses @ 2" = 4"
1 x betta @ 3" = 3"
4 x neon tetras @ 1.5" = 6"
2 x danio (I'm assuming zebra) @ 2.5" = 5"
1 x molly @ 4" = 4"

4 + 3 + 6 + 5 + 4 = 22"

If you lost the molly and the danios, you should be able to get away with it - but it's worth bearing in mind that tetras like to live in groups of 5+, so it might be worth returning your rummynoses and swapping them for the same number of neons?
Yeah, the general rule for smaller tanks is 1" of fish per gallon. So you'd be able to get 10" of fish (adult size). Some folks say you could get away with double that, but generally less is more in a smaller tank with them being quite hard to keep stable parameter wise.

2 x Rummynoses @ 2" = 4"
1 x betta @ 3" = 3"
4 x neon tetras @ 1.5" = 6"
2 x danio (I'm assuming zebra) @ 2.5" = 5"
1 x molly @ 4" = 4"

4 + 3 + 6 + 5 + 4 = 22"

If you lost the molly and the danios, you should be able to get away with it - but it's worth bearing in mind that tetras like to live in groups of 5+, so it might be worth returning your rummynoses and swapping them for the same number of neons?
i did have 5 neons...but i dropped one when netting them in the tank :angry:
Neons do have a tendency to nip Bettas fins so if you are keeping them together I would keep a close eye on them.
Neons do have a tendency to nip Bettas fins so if you are keeping them together I would keep a close eye on them.

they all seem ok...1 of the Danios tried to nip him...but he got a bit angry and chased him around the Biube for 10 mins :rolleyes: so i don't think he'll so that again!
Danios do get quite nippy if they are not kept in groups of 6+
And that tank is definitely to small for Danios. They need space (long tanks as opposed to tall such as the biube) to swim fast I'm afraid.
Else they stress, nip and lead a miserable life :/
Danios do get quite nippy if they are not kept in groups of 6+
And that tank is definitely to small for Danios. They need space (long tanks as opposed to tall such as the biube) to swim fast I'm afraid.
Else they stress, nip and lead a miserable life :/
they seem ok...swimming around lots and chasing each other now and again..
yeah, probably even bad for a 10g. and i highly suggest you don't have a betta in with all those! there fins are probably either torn up or they die often. or have open sores. tthere is no way those little fish have a non stressful day in there life in with that betta.
i've added 2 more rummys....all seem fine now :good:

Ok, well thats kind of a bad move and a good move at the same Are you planning on taking any of our advice and rehoming some of the fish (good excuss for another tank :good: )
well i think i'm going to wait and see what the moment, the Betta keeps himself to himself...he's either swimming around my plants, in my pirate ship of just milling around the bottom of the tank. The rummy's, danios and Neons all hang around together and seem ok...and my molly
9whom i was given from a friend who didn't want him) seems happy enough.

so unless they all start to show signs of stress or illness...i'm going to keep it as it is.

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