Can I Add Another Fish


Fish Aficionado
Mar 28, 2007
Reaction score
20 gallon reef
27 lbs live rock
2-3" sand (seems pretty live)
Tunze Nano skimmer
2 O. Clowns (as lynden says, everyone has one of these)
1 YWG and a Pistol shrimp

Brain coral
Torch Coral
Various zoas and palys
yellow fiji toadstool leather
various types of xenia
various macro and micro algae (chaeto clump, bottom part of back wall is full of hair algae as well as parts of the side glass, halimedia)

Thinking of either fire-fish or sixline wrasse a blenny or a hawkfish wouldnt be bad either, i do plan on an upgrade next summer to a 40 gallon tank, but that doesnt mean i will want to overstock this 20 gallon as a grow-out since nothing is garunteed.
20 gallon reef
27 lbs live rock
2-3" sand (seems pretty live)
Tunze Nano skimmer
2 O. Clowns (as lynden says, everyone has one of these)
1 YWG and a Pistol shrimp

Brain coral
Torch Coral
Various zoas and palys
yellow fiji toadstool leather
various types of xenia
various macro and micro algae (chaeto clump, bottom part of back wall is full of hair algae as well as parts of the side glass, halimedia)

Thinking of either fire-fish or sixline wrasse a blenny or a hawkfish wouldnt be bad either, i do plan on an upgrade next summer to a 40 gallon tank, but that doesnt mean i will want to overstock this 20 gallon as a grow-out since nothing is garunteed.

Yup I would say any of the fish you want would be OK just not all of them :)

How about a pair of neon gobies? Great little fish
i wouldnt want to mix gobies in this size tank
eh either way i want something different, no gobies.
hmm, reading up a bit more on wrasses, doesnt seem like it would be safe in my tank since i forgot to mention that i have 2 skunk cleaner shrimp.

hmm, i'll see what pops up in my LRC classifieds.

Royal gramma?
Why not?

The six line and the red head are reef safe?

But the royal gramma is also a nice fish!

what about anthia's?
Skunk cleaners can be kept with a large variety of wrasses, especially the small ones. Why not a fairy wrasse of some sort? Though beware, they jump...
i got an egg-crate cover, it just needs to become a habit for me to always use it.
really you want a carpenters or filamented flasher wrasse :) 6 lines are lovely fish too though!
na, im not getting any more fish, changed my mind, saving up for a new phone.
thats untill you see a stunning fish im sure .... my attempt to save for a car has failed many a time so far :| damn fish!

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