Allright lads?
For the past few weeks I have been trying to give a Honduran Redpoint Cichlid away (for free). Seeing as no one would take him I am considering placing him in my 200 litre tank to placate him....
Let me explain; I originally bought 2 of the aforementioned cichlids (as fry) from a dealer online. He gave me an extra one with the sale (god knows why); this extra one is somewhat larger than my other 2 babies.......
At the minute I have the 3 of them in my 50 litre tank (planning to transfer them to my larger 200 litre when they mature); the 2 smaller ones have settled in nicely, and coexist with the other fish (including smaller fish variants like Endlers Livebearers and Cardinal Tetras). Unfortunately my bigger one is a bit of a terror; he has taken to chasing every other fish about in the tank (although his aggression seems to be more of a "get out of my way" attitude, rather than incessant chasing around the tank). He even chases my larger platies about the tank! The only fish exempt from this is (of course) my fighting fish Caesar =P
Anyways, because I cant rehome him I am considering moving the bigger one prematurely to the big 200 litre tank to end the aggression.......
The problem is; would he be killed by the inhabitants of the bigger tank? All my fish in the 200 litre (bar the tetras and pleco) are juveniles, and are still quite small.
At the minute the bigger baby is about an inch long, but is quite large (in terms of actual body mass and height). To compare, my congo tetras, angels and gouramis are all about 2-2.5 inches (the pleco is about 4 inches)..........
Any advice is greatly appreciated.
For the past few weeks I have been trying to give a Honduran Redpoint Cichlid away (for free). Seeing as no one would take him I am considering placing him in my 200 litre tank to placate him....
Let me explain; I originally bought 2 of the aforementioned cichlids (as fry) from a dealer online. He gave me an extra one with the sale (god knows why); this extra one is somewhat larger than my other 2 babies.......
At the minute I have the 3 of them in my 50 litre tank (planning to transfer them to my larger 200 litre when they mature); the 2 smaller ones have settled in nicely, and coexist with the other fish (including smaller fish variants like Endlers Livebearers and Cardinal Tetras). Unfortunately my bigger one is a bit of a terror; he has taken to chasing every other fish about in the tank (although his aggression seems to be more of a "get out of my way" attitude, rather than incessant chasing around the tank). He even chases my larger platies about the tank! The only fish exempt from this is (of course) my fighting fish Caesar =P
Anyways, because I cant rehome him I am considering moving the bigger one prematurely to the big 200 litre tank to end the aggression.......
The problem is; would he be killed by the inhabitants of the bigger tank? All my fish in the 200 litre (bar the tetras and pleco) are juveniles, and are still quite small.
At the minute the bigger baby is about an inch long, but is quite large (in terms of actual body mass and height). To compare, my congo tetras, angels and gouramis are all about 2-2.5 inches (the pleco is about 4 inches)..........
Any advice is greatly appreciated.