Can Gobies Jump Out Of My Tank ?


New Member
Aug 27, 2005
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Colorado Springs, Colorado
I need to know if anyone has a a problem with diamond golby's jumping out of thier tank?? i was looking for a fish to sift my sand around,i went to buy a golby with white body and spots on it.the fish picks up sand with it's mouth and scatters it around.i do not have a top on my 125 gl reef.the store owner said it will end up on my carpet ????? should i buy it or not ????? 8 week old tank reef from fish only
Sand sifting gobies are mostly bottom dwellers, but, I think any fish with an open tank top is at risk. If you are concerned, have you thought about some nassarius snails? SH
Sand sifting gobies are mostly bottom dwellers, but, I think any fish with an open tank top is at risk. If you are concerned, have you thought about some nassarius snails? SH

Or sand sifting stars, conch's, Burnt sausages....there are alot of alternatives! :)
If you use eggcrate over the tank it allows light to get through, the tank can still breath and the fish cant jump
If you use eggcrate over the tank it allows light to get through, the tank can still breath and the fish cant jump
i'm not sure what kind of eggcrates you are talking about
,the only eggcrates that i have seen are cardboard or plastic. ?????? do you us them on your tank ?? can you send a pic??
Hi Sonny

This is pic of eggcrate I originally used to support my Live Rock - I have made a load of changes to it since this pic thought

I purchased it from a local builders merchants for about £6.00 for a 3' x 2' peice

:D :D
thanks for the pics,thats a good idea,i like the way that you step it up for your live you have any new pics of your tank. i would like to see some.i'm getting alot of algae yellow,and tank is about 8 weeks old from set up for a reef.

Sand sifting gobies are mostly bottom dwellers, but, I think any fish with an open tank top is at risk. If you are concerned, have you thought about some nassarius snails? SH
thanks for the help!! i did buy some of the snails (nassarius snails).the kids love to watch them when they show up on top of the sand.


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