Can forest soil be used for aquariums


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Mar 19, 2024
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I'm planning to grow aquatic plants but also keep my costs low, i have a forest nearby but no lakes or rivers. i was wondering if ordinary dirt and soil is a viable choice.
Don't add dirt/ garden sand to an aquarium. Just use plain old boring aquarium gravel. Most aquatic plants take in their nutrients via their leaves and if you have gravel and add a liquid aquarium plant fertiliser, and give them good light, they will grow.
If you prefer sand use kids' play sand. Its cheap and inert as it has to be safe for kids to put in their mouths ;)
There's a whole almost cult-like thing in the hobby now, where people are arguing for forest soil. It's said to have almost magical properties. I'm not big on magic, and stop when I think about the complexity of soil. What kind of forest? Is it acid or alkaline? What nutrients are there? What toxins? What benefits?

I could take soil from my local northern pine forests and it might work. You could have a completely different type of Malaysian forest with different soil, in which case me telling you to do it because it worked here would make me a bit of a destructive idiot.

I'm not afraid of natural things, and feed forest caught live foods, use forest collected wood, collect useful leaves etc. But I identify what I'm using. You would need a soil analysis and knowledge of what it means to do that.
Normal soil can work in an aquarium, and can give your plants a good boost at the beginning, but it has some very serious drawbacks. Read up on the Walstad method (the link is just a basic intro) and see if it sounds like it's for you. Most of my tanks are Walstad-style setups, but I don't bother with soil anymore and just use sand. Natural soil can be interesting to experiment with, but it's almost certainly more trouble than it's worth, especially for a beginner.

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