Can Fish (specifically African Cichlids) Experience Dwarfism?


New Member
Jan 4, 2007
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Okay, so here's the deal. I have a snow white socolofi that I've had for about 3 months now. I acquired several new young mbunas at the same time (this was the only socolofi) and all the others have grown normally. The snow white has not grown at all (right now it is about 2.5 - 3 cm long). Other than its small size, the snow white eats normally, swims around the tank normally (although he does ocassionally get bullied by some larger mbunas) and even displays territorial/agressive behavior (think: small terrier believing itself to be the size of a golden retriever).

Since everything else seems to be fine, I am sort of at a loss for what is going on here. I even separated it for a while (put it in a 20 gallon tank alone) and fed it, thinking that maybe it wasn't getting its fair share of food. No growth.

My only other hypothesis is that maybe it is experiencing dwarfism, similar to little people in human beings. Could this be it? Has anyone had this problem before? Suggestions? Thanks!


Edit: Oh, and it is definite a snow white socolofi, no question about that. I have others and it is identical in every way.
Socolofi are notorious slow growers and i suspect that's all that's happening here. :good:
They are slow growers by Mbuna standards, although that is still faster than most tropical fish. Only the C.Afra genus grow slower IME.

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