Can Fish Feel Storms?


New Member
Jun 2, 2011
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At the computer.
In the wild, I guess they would feel the pressure drops, and then cooler fresh clean water coming in, etc... More food.
But in fish tanks, can they still feel storms? It's going to storm soon at my house and someone once said fish can feel the air pressure going down, regardless of the tank pressure and know there's a storm and will get more active.

Is this true?
This is true...or at least a tried and true technique used by many aquarists. Often breeders will wait until stormy weather to put their fish together for spawning.
There is a difference in water pressure whenever the air pressure drops (assuming that the tank isn't completely isolated from the outside world somehow). It may not be a noticeable amount to us, but it is measurable. Given that information and that fish need to be in tune with the water they live in, I think it is a very safe bet to assume that they can feel the difference.

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