Can fish breed with other types of fish???


Fish Crazy
May 22, 2003
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Vermont, US (yes, it's a state)
The reason why I ask is that I got a platy the other day and did not pay attention to whether it was male or female. I am guessing it is female as my guppies (4) are always swarming by it and I am sure trying to mate with it. I don't want them to breed, but is it possible for guppies to breed with platy's?
I don't think so. I'd imagen they could try but I don't think anything would come of it. But then again I don't really know, I'm just guessing.

Though platies and swordtails can breed with eachother.
Anything is possible in my opinion. " with God all things are possible " If you believe in God then you take anything into consideration and acknowledge that it is possible.
Live bearers will certainly cross breed. It is less common for guppies to interbreed with platies, mollies, and swords than it is for the platies, mollies, and swords to do so with one another, but it still happens. If the breeding is successful :X , the fry are likely to be deformed. Even if they appear to be alright, they will be sterile and won't reproduce the hybrid.
ok here its goes ............... fish can breed togerther as long as they have the same species name at the start li guppys and mollies can breed together because they are from the species of poecilia andplaties and swordtails are from the species of xiphorus....... but they are all form the family of poecilidae everybody understand!!! :D its more common with livebearer to cross these boudarys because they are obseessed with reproducing and will somtimes mate with fish that will never be able to have babys with eg. platys and mollies! :thumbs: :D
It is possible in egg laying fish as well. At my parents place I have a paper from the '70's which discussed intergeneric hybrids in West African cyprinids. The paper demonstrated that there were 3 species in, (from memory), the Cross River system in Cameroon.

If species A was common, it bred with species A. -> A
If species B was common, it bred with species B. -> B
If both A and B were common, A bred with A, B with B. -> A & B
If neither were common, it seemed A bred with B. -> C

If you google for +"intergeneric hybrid" +"fish" you'll find several other references.
yeah i know it does happen with fish that lay eggs but its less common cos they prefer therer own type ofor somreason but they will always be some fish who have to do they own thing like my blue platy mate with my ballon molly lol!!!!!!!! :lol:

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