Can Different Tetras School Together?


Fish Herder
Aug 3, 2006
Reaction score
Baltimore, MD
I have 3 gold tetras that school together and one lonely flame tetra. That poor flame, he's been alone for quite some time... anyway, do you think I should buy my flame tetra another friend or two? He does seem to try to school with the gold tetras, but I'm not sure if they accept him. (This sounds like a high school romance thing... teehee)
In my 15 my 5 neons and 5 glowlights are messed but when they are spooked and shoal they go different places. so I dunno...
due to untimely deaths... I ended up with 1x glow light for 2 years in a small bug carrier by himself....
then there were 5 neon tetras during cycling with him (with his old tank syndrom, the cycling was nothing to him. he even seemed better :crazy: poor guy).

he took command of the neons instantly :lol:
Then the neons all died off.... but one.... sensing... trend....

Then i got 7 cardinals...
all but 2 died off....

i should have cycled with less expensive fish :hyper:
but i was a noob and iptimistic that they'd all survive :(

but in my experince, i have 2x cards, 1x glow light, and 1x neon tetra. The neon tetra has taken control of the cardinals, putting them in place time to time, but it doesnt bug the glow light, but they're always together in the tank. :unsure: so i'd say they do.
there's a big difference between fish swimming in a group and fish schooling together. the long and the short of it is that schooling fish prefer the company of their own kind. you'll have better-looking fish and a lower-stress environment if you increase your numbers (assuming that you have space in your tank for more tetras).

that being said, their are very few fish that will die from being "lonely". generally its better for the fish to have an appropriately stocked tank than it is to have a full school. if space is an issue, then your flame tetra will probably get on well enough without new friends.
Some similar sized tetras will school together.. but it's a good idea to always try to get at least 4 of the same tetra.

When you say same tetra... do you mean exactly same tetra? I have two black skirts... and I thought two white (or gold) skirts would complement them.... would they be happier with black ones?
I would just get more flame tetras. I have neon tetras and black skirt tetras. But they dont school together.
Seeing my tank after getting 4x Glow light instead of 1, tetra DEFINATLY perfer to shoal with their own kind.

Birds of a feather flock together?
Tetra of a type tend to talk together.
Visual cues are primary as to how the fish knows how to school. Shape is a big factor, the fish prefers to be with fish like its own shape. Color morphs still prefer their own species because they share the same shape. That said, coloring is another important factor, like the color of a fin or eye or stripe.

Fish would much, much rather school with fish that are the same shape and coloring, that is, their own species.

Given a choice not to school and to school with dislike shapes and colors, schooling tends to win out, especially when frightened. But, there is a very strong preference to like shapes and colors.

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