Can Damaged Betta Fins Grow Back ?


Fish Fanatic
Dec 3, 2009
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Hello Everyone,
I recently picked up a beautiful Elephant Ear Betta from my local Petco. I noticed he has some badly damaged fins (expected from petco). After some good care that I will provide, can his fins actually "grow" back to full length ?
If i need to clarify something please let me know.
ALSO, I have provide some pictures for you....if you notice something I should be aware of please let me know. 


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Yes they will.
Do you know how to care for him? Things like water changes, feeding ETC?
yea please move him to at least a 3 gallon tank those cubes are crap :(
I do :)
I excited to see him get back to full health. I will provide some update photos later on !

Betta Bettas - this is just a QT, I want to begin the healing process :).
He will have a tank soon, dont you worry !!
thank GOD.
Anyway yea they grow back over time. make sure he doesn't nip his fins though. also I would add some bacterial infection med. to his tank
Definitely can grow back. I picked up an orange veil tail whose color I liked so much that I failed to notice his ragged tail. With just clean water, good food and appropriate temperature his tail is now fine. I'd not be too quick to medicate, but that's just me.
Fins grow back quite easily as long as the betta is kept healthy and the water is in good condition.  Nice warm clean water with good food normally is all that is needed.  The good thing is the damage looks like it was caused by tearing or even possible fin biting and not fin rot. 
BettaBettas said:
thank GOD.
Anyway yea they grow back over time. make sure he doesn't nip his fins though. also I would add some bacterial infection med. to his tank
No need to add medication to the tank quite yet.  It is almost never a good idea to add medication unless there is a need for it.  In this case there is no sign of a bacterial issue.  
I mean, when he adds the fish to the tank with the other fish. Bacterial cleans up some carried with diseases.
BettaBettas said:
I mean, when he adds the fish to the tank with the other fish. Bacterial cleans up some carried with diseases.
I don't see anywhere that the OP stated that the betta will be added to a tank with other fish.  Even if for some reason the OP did add the betta in with other fish, adding an antibiotic without a sure reason to do so(like clear signs of a bacterial infection), is not a good idea.  
adding an antibiotic without a sure reason to do so(like clear signs of a bacterial infection), is not a good idea.
Adding medication when not needed can actually cause  problems. 
Hey Everyone,
Thank you for all your info.
I will not be adding any medication just yet, as someone had said previously the fin damage does look like it was torn not rot. I will be putting together a bigger tank but in the mean time he will be hanging out in his 1g for now. As far as adding him with other fish, I will figure that out when the time comes. 
I will say that this fish is TOTALLY relaxed and rested. His color has been revived already. I am sure hes glad to be out of that Petco.

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