Can Clown Loaches Go With..


Fish Addict
Oct 22, 2006
Reaction score
Hunter Valley, NSW, Australia
It's a very long story but basically my Mum's loach is having a bad reaction to a medicine we put in its tank. We've already lost the other two loaches, and we need to know if we can move it into my tropical tank?

The tank currently has 1 2 inch rainbow shark
3 dwarf gouramis
and a 6 inch bristlenose catfish.

The tank'll be overstocked with clown loach, but we just need to move him somewhere where he's heated and filtered until we figure out how to get the stuff out of the tank. The other fish arent having trouble with it, but its through the filter and just everywhere. it's some type of blue stuff that was put in cos one of the fish hurt its side on a jagged coral ornament (now removed). We were told to use it by a freind who is extremely knowledgable by fish. I guess its not meant for loaches tho.

So will the loach be ok in my tank until we sort the medicine stuff out?

It should be ok.

But what u gotta think is if the fish is fighting a problem ie. skin problemcaused by medication. Then this allows other infections it build up.

You move it to your tank and if there is a nother problem you'll be releasing a major infection into your tank, which the your fis will may be use to.

I'll be inclined to add cative carbon to the original tank at that will remove all medications and nasty toxins in the tank.

Clown loach mave very small scales, which is why they tend to get reactions. If you over treated with a medication then the clown would be the first to react.
Formalin based treatments are quite nasty if over dosed, which is what it soulds like.
As Malicate ("the blue stuff") is commonley used with formailin in treatments.

Like i said to remove it though just use plenty of cative carbon.

It should be fine. But keep in mind, the minimum tank size I would suggest for a clown loach would be 50 gallon and higher. The reason is, loaches prefer to be in small groups and will grow large, depending on the type of loach.
The loaches were perfectly healthy before the medicine was put in. Theres active carbon in there (a lot of it) and so far its not clearing up. We loved him to my tank and we're gonna completely pull the other tank apart and scrub it and the gravel to try and get the stuff out, so the loach can move back home.

One other question, were gonna buy him some buddies again, will he be okay with inch long loaches? thats the only size avaiable at the petstores. As once we get the tank situtaion sorted, we dont wnat him to be lonely
If the carbon isn't removing the meds, then it may already be saturated and require replacement.

Regarding the loach, yes, big and small loaches will get along. I bought loaches of various sizes and they all did well together and are still doing well.

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