Can Cherry Shrimp Be Left For 2 Weeks?


Aug 5, 2007
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Colchester Essex
I am heading back to my parents for 2 two weeks over Christmas, and the cherry shrimp can not come (currently 50 of them but there may be over 100 before I actually go). Are they okay to be left without food for that long? The tank is not ‘established’ in the sense that is has been running for a long long time, but it is of course fully cycled and quite planted. Let me know.

They should be fine. Cherries are quite hardy IMO. I'd make sure you have the tank light on a timer if you don't already. Maybe drop some food in right before you leave. Since the tank is planted they should find enough food in the tank. And it takes a long time for a shrimp to starve to death. You may see a drop in there breeding.
have you got some java moss in there because they love to nibble that :)
When i had to leave mine for 10 days i did 3 x 30% water changes in the week before i left , made sure that they were well fed with more live foods than normal (i usually feed them every other day so fed them every day instead) , put the food in for an hour and then removed the excess (as normal) , put extra java moss in , rinsed the filter sponge in tank water to make sure filter was running optimal and wouldn't get blocked by anything while i was away also set the timer plug for the lights in the tank to keep the plants healthy ( yes i know this sounds basic but i forgot once lol)

I also didnt clean any algae off the glass (not that i get much) for a good month before going away to ensure they had a food source

Do not be tempted to leave extra food in the tank as this can rot they should be fine with java moss and algae :)

good luck and enjoy christmas with your family

Sarah xx
Thanks to both of you.
I'll do what you both recommend.
I need to pinch a timer from somewhere!
I find my Cherry's become very inactive if they're not fed for a few days.
When I am away for a few weeks I turn the temp down to 20 so that they are less hungry or active, cherry shrimp can go dormant for the winter, I have some outside with no heat and they do fine even when under ice, they dont eat or grow until the spring. Dried fallen oak, or almost any leaf put in the tank will degrade slowly and provide food for them without causing water quality issues. A timer for the light is a good idea for algae and bio-film growth.

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