Can Bright Lights Hurt A Fishes Eyes?


Fish Crazy
Sep 24, 2008
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I was going to get some flouresent lights for my 10g and I was wondering if the fishes eyes will hurt because right now the lights that are in there are not bright but once I get fliursent lights they will be really bright
Haha I know your not a fish!lol!
Well I figured if the lights were too bright they would take cover to get out of the light,what do you think?
some species will, i mean marine wont, but some barbs like pentazona barbs dont like to much light, they see it more as a threat than pain IMO
My black phantoms and Cardinals hate the light going on, and take for cover and stop all their displaying etc until it goes off again. However the Corries,Ottos, Loaches, Rummy nose are fine with it. :huh:

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