can birchirs get white spot?


Apr 15, 2004
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Essex, Kirby
title says it all really.

I have a birchir which looks like it has white spot but I'm not sure as they could be sand particles
While bichirs and other fish with ganoid scales (gars and ropefish) are less likely to suffer from parasites like ICH (whitespot) and velvet in extreem cases they can be infected if the tank is not treated in time.
So should I treat? I moved him form the other tank as the cichlids had white spot but there now clear.

If I treat him in the big tank can the BGk and eels in there take the treatment or should I move him back to the tank with the cichlids to start treatment again?

I did the last dose for the cichlids yesterday.
You will need to treat all tanks that have had a fish with ICH in them, you should never move fish from tanks that are infected with diseases as even if a fish shows no sign of disease it could still be carrying it. You will have to use the treatment at half dosage to treat the tank containing the BGK and eel as they are scaleless so the treatment will probably need to be repeated after the first course.

I'll get on treating that.

Hmmm my parents are taking me to some not so close fish shops in the next few days to pick up some more birchirs and maybe some ornate pims.

Depending on the sizes I find i'll beable to keep them in the 360litre for a week or so until treatment is over. :)


atleast the treatment spreads nice and easily by adding to the pump section in the sump, not so easy removing all my carbon though.

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