Can Barbs be kept w/ Dwarf Puffers?


New Member
Sep 17, 2003
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Hello all. I've got a newly set up 10 gal (US) tank that I definately want to put a dwarf puffer or two in. Can I keep any small barbs with them? If not can you suggest a small, active fish that can be kept with my new dwarves? Also any suggestions are welcome. Thanks.
I think that will depend on the type of Barb and how aggressive they get, I have never tried that combo but I do have guppies and swordtails still in the tank with 8 Dwarfs and 3 S/A's and they are doing fine(minor nips occasionally but nothing serious)...I think it is a matter of trial and error depending on the Dwarfs personality.
I'm actually just as worried about the barbs attacking the puffer as the puffer attacking the barbs. With the tank only being a 10 gal. I would obviously be going with one of the smaller types of barbs, maybe tigers or cherries. I love the little puffers, and I'm just trying to find some energetic little tank mates for them. Thanks.
If given the chioce between the 2 I would say go with the cherrys, they are less aggressive and therefore less likely to annoy the puffers to the point where they snap and gang up on the barbs :crazy:
So would 1 or 1 dwarves, 3 or 4 cherries and and oto or cory work? If so it would be great. I definately don't want to overload my tank, but I would like to fill it nicely. I'm adding some plants and such for cover and putting a few caves in. This is my first tank in quite a while and I just want to make sure everything will work.
I would say 1 or 2 puffers would probably work with that combo (unless you got a psycho :crazy: )...but with any tankmates you are taking a chance of nipping. I would recomend the otos instead of the Cory, 3 Otos would equal the load of 1 corey, and they are good algae eaters.
Also, what about ghost shrimp? Can they live in the tank? I figure the puffer will eat them, so they'd probably just serve as a meal. Are the shrimp crunchy enough to keep the puff's beak trimmed? As cheap as they are it wouldn't be a big deal if they got eaten, but they do seem to keep everything clean. Thanks. :fun:
The ghost shrimp aren't quite crunchy to keep the teeth ground down by themselves, but they are a good helper. I add a dozen into the tank every now and then, they last a few weeks before they all disappear and get a good bit of cleaning done while they last.
So is there anything other than snails that can keep their beaks trimmed? Or is that the only choice other than actually knocking out the poor little guy and doing it yourself, because I definately don't want to have to do that. :fun:
With the Dwarfs you are limited to snails and shrimp due to their small size, but I find that their teeth don't seem to get out of control (unlike South Americans) and snails every week or 2 is more than enough for them. I get the people at the lfs to dig them out of the sump for me...try for the smaller ones "as big as the puffers eye" is what I've seen recomended for them, but that's pretty hard to stick to with Dwarfs :crazy: . With most of the other species any shellfish works well to keep teeth managed.
Thank you for all of your advice. It's been very helpful, the tank is almost cycled, so its almost time to finally add some fish 8)
I'll certainly try to. The pics I've seen around the net have been very inspirational. Thanks again. :thumbs:

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