Can Anyone ?


We are not born just so we can die
Global Moderator ⚒️
Oct 1, 2010
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G'Day all

I already have 2 Borneo Suckers otherwise known as Hillstream Loaches and I think the first two are the same species, and I was hoping somebody might be able to give me the correct scientific name for this one and the newwst addition I just got the other day.


This is one of my first two, you can't see it in the picture but it's tail has irridesent strips running in bars along the tail.


And here is a pic of my newest one, I am suspeting that it is a different species from my other two.

Help with getting these guys correctly identified would be greatly appreciated as I would like to get more but would prefer to get more of the same and not end up with 1 of all different types.

Thanks again :good:
First one is possibly Gastromyzon scitulus. Second one may be a Gastromyzon, possibly species SK02. Hillstream loaches are a bit difficult to ID, so those might not be accurate.
More likely Gastromyzon scitulus and Gastromyzon zebrinus.
Ok thanks for that :good: , I figured the top one was either scitulus or ctenocephalus, but I couldn't find any pictures like the other one.

So I shall look up zebrinus.
I also got another 2 that are different again to these other ones, they have spots at the front but change to sort of bars further along their bodies. I'll put up pictures when I can get them off the camera.
They sure are cute, I love these guys!

:nod: :nod: :nod: I think it's a hard choice over which I like better Borneo Suckers or Cory's. Ahh heck they are both great!

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