Can Anyone Tell Me What This Catfish Is Please?


Feb 23, 2008
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West Yorkshire
HI there

Can anyone tell me what kind of catfish this is? Pleaseeeeeeeeeee


  • pic_of_catfish1.jpg
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It looks like a type of Brochis

possibly brochis splendens

Ok thanks for that, having just looked on the net and in a book I have, I thought it was an emerald, but think that is what you have said, but I am unfamiliar with fish
looks like a bronze corydoras and will be fine with your frog and shrimp :)
time to watch the froggy hop across the floor with the owner hopping along after it :)
How can you ID a Brochis from that pic? Can you take a side shot, debbie? Brochis are ID'd from the rays on the dorsal, so a side shot with the dorsal up would help. Of course I am awful at IDs as most know, but I think the side shot would help others. It looks very like C. aeneus to me.

Emerald Corys are a common name for Brochis splendens. green Cory is a common name for C. aeneaus, I believe.
I'm not convinced it's either but it looks closer to a Corydoras aeneus (CA) than it does a Brochis splendens (BS).

The slope on the Brochis splendens' forehead is straighter compared to the Corydoras aeneus which is rounder. The dorsal fin on the pictured fish is smaller than either the CA or BS with the BS dorsal fin being the longest. Both the pictured fish and the CA have white belies whereas the BS had a yellow belly. The green of the BS seems to be a bit deeper as well.

So I'm leading towards Corydoras aeneus although the pictured fish's dorsal fin is much shorter plus there is a redish tinge right after the gill opening.

I also am not convinsed that it is either, but I think it is Corydoras and not Brochis. I also think it is a possible Corydoras aeneus. The flirty look in the first pic--not very scientific I know--is so typical of the way an aeneus looks at you. The dorsal and color just don't look right. It looks like a young C. aeneus lady to me. The Brochis is much deeper chest to back than the Cory.

Here are some good pics of several B. spendens swimming with a larger species of Corydoras






The last 2 or 3 pics are the B. multiradiatus.

The one with the emerald sheen without the spotty apperance are the Brochis. See the pinkish belly that Cory_Dad is referring to.

C. aeneus thunail from PlanetCatfish catelog
Some flirty looks of my lf bronze/ aeneus


a juvie lf aeneus


The longer fins on these aeneus are not typical.

a regular bronze juvie

While the full grown size of each is 3", the aeneus is slimmer in the tail/back half than the Brochis which is stockier throughout.
There are several varieties of C. aeneus with different color morphs. I am inclined to think that your photo was taken with a lot of light which is causing the almost albino look to your sweet Cory.

None of my C. aeneus are the greener variety. They are the bronze variety.

You may be able to see from these pics that the Brochis dorsal goes farther down the back than the Cory dorsal. That is because the Brochis has extra rays.

Many thanks for the info, yep my pic was taken with quite a lot of light, so the fish does appear a lot lighter in the photo than it does normally.

I think after looking at the pics you put on that it is most like the seventh pic, so that would make it a C. aeneus .

It is hard to miss that really come hither C. aeneus look. The ladies are little flirty strumpets. As they mature , they roll around on their bellys. LOL They are the cutest ladies.
Hi, Iceegrl told me you might have some longfinned Corys for sale. I've been searching and emailing for weeks trying to find some that are for sale. I'm looking for 6 to 8 Long Finned Corydoras Aeneus (perferred) but would consider C. Paleatus. I also would like them to be bronze / green, but wouldn't mind a couple of the mix to be albino, just to have a variety.

thank you so much for your time,


How can you ID a Brochis from that pic? Can you take a side shot, debbie? Brochis are ID'd from the rays on the dorsal, so a side shot with the dorsal up would help. Of course I am awful at IDs as most know, but I think the side shot would help others. It looks very like C. aeneus to me.

Emerald Corys are a common name for Brochis splendens. green Cory is a common name for C. aeneaus, I believe.

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