Can Anyone Recommend A Fish Tank Manufacturer?

New Member
Apr 20, 2007
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Hi everyone,

I am looking to upgrade my measly 60 litre tank to a handsome 125 litre or thereabouts, and I wonder if anyone can recommend a certain make at all? My 60 litre is a Tetra AquaArt, which I have only had since Christmas, but the light has just blown (the transformer appears to have given up the ghost) and whenever I put salt in the water, deposits emerge all around the edges at the bottom of the tank on the outside! I'm still puzzled by that feature... :blink:

I have seen a tank I like by Juwel, but I want my next tank to last me a bit longer than 10 months!

Thanks for any advice you can offer :good:
well there is the juwel rekord 120 and the rio 125 which are worth taking a look at, as well as the fluval duo deep 800 (126 litre) and the aqua one AR850 is ok too,

the duo deep 800 is the tank i have just upgraded from and IMO the fluval products are one of the best,
hiya whereabouts are you country/country wise? All my larger tanks are second hand juwels-the new biggun is 6 years old and still looks brand new!
I live in Devon in the UK. I'm surrounded by tiny fish stores and one Pets at Home store! I tested one of the employees there yesterday, I said I wanted a 60 litre for my large fantails, and he said I could put loads more fish in if I wanted! Tut's a shame I can't go into one of these stores and trust what I'm told. Hence why I bother you guys so much!

I have heard of some of those makes, I'll take a closer look. Maybe I should take a trip to a city nearby like Exeter or Plymouth, see if there is a better selection of fish stores there. :)
Hi Angel,

There are some very good fish stores in and around Exeter - in fact I'm going there this weekend for that reason (and to see the parents of course!

You could try Bow aquatics at Cowley Bridge near Exeter - they have a large tank range - their online shop is i think. There is also a huge shop in Bovey Tracey - I've never been there before so i can't really comment - I will be going this weekend though so I'll let you know what its like.

There is also a small shop in St Thomas in Exeter, in a back street somewhere - I'll report back with the name of it if its any use, an any others that I might have forgotten.

Cheers, Nina
I've just had a look at that website and it's great! I'll take a trip to Exeter to look at the stock when I have a chance. Thanks for the recommendation! :good:
whenever I put salt in the water, deposits emerge all around the edges at the bottom of the tank on the outside! I'm still puzzled by that feature... :blink:
the aqua-art range of tanks are designed for freshwater fish
not for brackish or marine.
TBH so are Juwel.

if you are looking fr a tank suitable for brackish or marine fish then
get a custom made by either seabray, clearseal or even windsor aquatics (a forum sponsor)
Thanks for the tip about the AquaArt not being made for marine fish, but I do have just ordinary fantail goldfish in the there, I have occasionally had to add salt to the water as an aid to water treatments and things, it's not a regular feature. I'll bear that in mind though, at least I kinda have a reason for the residue appearing! :)
freshwater fish do not need salt.
there are loads of threads on this site that explains why salt is not needed and indeed dangerous for freshwater fish.
perhaps a reading of the following thread is in order

also goldfish require 20US gallons for the first fish and 10 USG for every additional fish
a 60ltr aqua-art is by no means acceptable for goldfish, maybe one fancy tail but that is it.

I'm sorry to sound harsh but this looks to me like another case of the LFS making a quick profit and ill advising the customer.
As an ex-LFS employee this really annoys me.

I suggest that you do research on any fish before you buy it and make the decision if it is suitable for your tank or not,
never trust what LFS employees say unless you can verify that advise from an independent source, like the great members on this forum.

as a rule of thumb
remember that people on fish forums are not trying to take your money
people in shops are.
we care about fish, they care about profit.
Thanks for the tips Wolf, sadly experience has already taught me not to trust people in a shop. I have to say though that I have been advised on this forum and others in the past that I should use salt to aid water treatments. I always ask more than one source before embarking on any treatments etc, and so I acted on what I was told. If I know nothing else I can't know any better :/

I'm aware of the water needed per fish, hence why I am looking to upgrade. I admit, when I got into this fishkeeping malarkey I based my aquarium entirely on advice from my lfs, and they told me I could have around 8 fantails in my 60 litre. I know now that this is not the case and they were trying to sell me more fish, and I feel bad for any suffering I may have caused my fish in the past. Now I am more clued up (thanks to this forum, mainly) I am looking to give my fish more room. We all started somewhere, didn't we? :huh:

I now have three fantails to rehome, one small ranchu and three tiny ottocinclus. Before you say it, I know that's far too many for a 60 litre, but I'm looking to give my otto's to my mum who has a huge tropical tank, and upgrading my own. :look:
It takes a big man to admit they were/are wrong and I applaud you for saying so.
Kudos also for trying to rectify the siltation.

good luck with the search for a larger tank, Juwel are the best 'plug & play' tanks available
and as they are popular almost anywhere will keep the filter media and spare heaters etc in stock.

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