Can Anyone Identify This Tank And Or Light Fixture?


Fish Herder
Mar 10, 2011
Reaction score
Kettering, UK
ok 2 questions, can anyone identify this tanks make or model? its a couple inches short of 4 ft. apparently the guy who owned it worked at Maiden Head Aq. if that helps any.


the only thing i can see is this emblem on the light, can anyone identify it?

also, are these types of lights wired so that if one goes out, the other wont light? I wouldnt think it would be like that, but Im having trouble getting it to light up, the previous owner said that he had it working, but one light went out, and then the other wouldnt come on at all. i hope i didnt just get myself a broken light fixture. I bought a new bulb, but bought a T5 HO, 39w assuming that was the correct replacement. this is all the original light have on them.

its gotta be a 39 watt one right, since thats the typical wattage for this length bulb. but even with the one new bulb, cant get the light to come on. maybe i need to buy another bulb? they are expensive!
I have a similar but not quite the same light fixture. Instead of looking at the fixture markings, use the old tube's markings to determine what you must replace. As long as the original ballast is still working, using an exact replacement light tube should put things back to working for you. If it worked for the last guy, it should also work for you.
If you do not trust the last owner, we must investigate the light fixture itself. Each ballast has a rating label on it that will tell you exactly what combination of light tubes it can power. It will also give a schematic diagram of how those lamps must be wired. If you know how your fixture is wired, you can positively identify the light tubes that will work best. The fixture label may or may not reflect the present wiring or ballast. In many of my own light fixtures, I have replaced the ballast and rewired the fixture to suit my needs. Anyone relying completely on the original manufacturer's labels would be making a serious mistake in selecting light tubes.
My first thought was that it's an old style Arcadia over tank light system. They are usually very expensive to buy new!! I was just looking at similar systems yesterday and they were approx £1,000 (obviously new versions). Trouble is, their logo doesn't really look like the one in the pic - although that could be an old style logo...?

I can just make out the letter A - and O T on that logo - it is the "S" that I'm not sure about. They have a model called an OT5 - but I can't find an OTS. Did he say how old this was? Maybe it's a very old and obsolete model?

Given that the light itself has Arcadia written on it, I think that might be what the system is.

Why not contact Arcadia and send them copies of the pics to see what they say?

Here's their email: Arcadia

Of course, it could be another aquatic company that makes similar systems to Arcadia. I mean the "OT" bit simply means Over Tank.

Regards, Athena
The logo looks more like AQTS to me (as in, 'aquatics'). Can you get inside it to find the ballast? The tube you've shown is definitely a 34" 39W T5, but whether that's the right tube for the ballast I have no idea!
Oh..."AQ"...hmmm you could be right there. I feel like I've seen this logo before on something but I can't for the life of me remember where! It's that wavy line that I have stuck in my mind from packaging on something...hopefully someone else may recognise it.

I figured it out guys. Forgot to update this post. Its an Aquatlantis Elite Premium 118. Apparently is a Portuguese company, and this model was not available at any UK website I looked at. I did find it on some german sites, and it was retailing for 800 something Euros! The ballast (which i replaced) was not specific to the brand at all, but was just a company who makes ballasts. I just got it up and running in the last two days, still working on powerhead and heater placement.


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