Can Anyone Identify These?


New Member
Aug 4, 2010
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London- England
Hi all,

Can anyone identify these 2 fish from my videos- sorry about the dodgy cameraman!

This one was sold to my as Cy Fleeti. I have Googled the name but not come up with much. Can anyone confirm or identify. It's the striped fish the camera is following. I have a pair and they are really nice fish.

The next is the large blue striped male who is seen digging out his home. I got him from my brother-in-law but he was not sure what he was. I have a few ideas but would be interested to see if any of you can identify him.

I'm a bit of a newbie when it comes to forums, and not too good at posting pics and videos so hope it works.


I think the 2nd one looks just like a bigger version of the first, they look like some sort of Cynotilapia afra.
I have 2 of the Cynotilapia afra Cobue as in my avatar pic and they are a beautiful fish.
I think the 2nd one looks just like a bigger version of the first, they look like some sort of Cynotilapia afra.
I have 2 of the Cynotilapia afra Cobue as in my avatar pic and they are a beautiful fish.
Hi, thanks for your response>

The 2nd, the larger fish i also thought could be an Afra.

The first is definatly not though. In the face (shape) it looks like some kind of Labidochromis species. I have quite a good picture of one of them but don't know how to post it on here.

That Afra in your pic is a nice fish!

First one is a Labidochromis "Perlmutt". Fairly peaceful. Similar temperment as a Yellow Lab really.

Second one looks very much like my Zebra. There's so many different colour strains though and it could well be a mix of several by now.
First one is a Labidochromis "Perlmutt". Fairly peaceful. Similar temperment as a Yellow Lab really.

Second one looks very much like my Zebra. There's so many different colour strains though and it could well be a mix of several by now.

I think the second one could be a Greshaki Zebra cross.

Always learning- I think you could be right with the Perlmutt. I have had a look on google and it certainly looks like my fish. Funny how the shop sold them as something different! They have a pretty good temperament too.
For the second i also had a Zebra on my list of possibilities although, Geo Dude- a Greshaki was also on my possible list.

Thanks to the both of you.
Definatly a pair of Lab Perlmutt's. I have been checking and am 99.9% certain thats what they are.

Also I am fairly confident that the other is a Blue Zebra. The Greshakei looks to light in the body. Pics of Blue Zebras are almost identical.
The male Perlmutts are beautiful when they're showing off. Should lose the stripes, but I've known them to keep the same colours as the females if they don't feel confident in the tank. Put a mirror on the side they mostly hang around and watch all the males show off... hopefully one of the perlmutts will change too.

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