Can Anyone Identify These


New Member
May 30, 2006
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Hey, im quite new to marine aquariums, got a 90 gallon aqua medic tank, and has live Rock in it for 2-3 weeks. Over the last 2 days these strange white worms have appeared, ive tried to research them with little luck does any one know what they are and will it have a detramental afect on the fish.

Ive also noticed these growths, i think they are aiptasia but will anyone conferm this for me
Can you take pictures? Were the white worms attached to the rock or swimming around? If they are affixed to the rock do they have plumes on the end, like a feather duster? Aiptasia is easy to spot just do a search for a picture on here or google. Pretty easy to ID.
Yeah they are attached to the rock there bodies are really segmented.
I tried to post a picture but it wouldnt work.
Done! :good: The creature you thought might have been aiptasia doesnt look like that to me. Looks like a cool little polyp or zoanthid of some description. I wouldnt get rid of it yet! :)

cheers for that did ill try and post another picture when it gets a bit bigger
did you get a look at the worms
these are the white worms

these are the white worms


  • white_worms.bmp
    84.6 KB · Views: 82
Looks like a bristle worm to me.

It might be the arm of a brittle star however. IS the whole worm visible or does it hide the rest of its body inside the rock at all times?
no you can never seen all of the body, but they all seem to appear out of the rock at the same time, and they go back in after a couple of minutes
Its possible that they are brittle stars.
These tiny creatures will live inthe rock and wave a single arm out in the water to catch food. They keep the body and the rest of hte arm hidden in the rocks for safety. If something takes a bite out of the arm then the starfish can simply use another arm and let the other one regenerate.

The quality of the picture is not great of course but i still think it might be bristelworms simpl,y because it looks ot me like there are feathers edges to the arms (much like the spines of a bristleworm).
yeah they have a feathery outline and a really segemted body
thanks fr your help
I agree with navarre, looks more like a bristleworm than a brittle star. White bristleworms are good, and brittle stars are good, so ont worry about em :)
Made an ID today they are in fact britle stars, they look quite cool actually but theres quite a lot of them

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