Can Anyone Identify These? Stuck To The Glass.


Fish Fanatic
May 23, 2012
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As the title says, these things have appeared over the course of the afternoon. They don't appear to be mobile, I've scraped a few off and they are quite well stuck to the glass. About 1mm round or less in clusters of two, three or four. Look almost like transparent snails but way too tough for snails.
tank eggs.JPG
Stock at the moment is Discus, red eye tetras, neon tetras,one glowlight tetra, Panda garas, golden wonder panchax, golden nugget plec, two other plecs which I inherited and am unsure of the species but one is a bristle nose, dwarf gouramis, red and black phantoms, ottos, 3 different species of cory, assassin snails. I think that's it.
Hmm... They look too small to belong to your fish, apart from perhaps the neons which are scatterers, so I would go with the snails, although they don't look like the assassin eggs I have seen. Sorry! Not much help...
They are corydoras eggs :)
Yep they look the same as my Cory eggs
My cories scatter theirs all over, how peculiar. Then they all get eaten :( i would rescue them with a razor blade and a breeding net!
Cool! Baby Corys! I'll get scraping. What is the best way to keep them until they hatch? I'm kinda surprised they have stuck them to the glass though. Would they stick them anywhere else? There is plenty of wood and plants in the tank.
On the glass seems pretty normal, have never had them lay elsewhere.. except on some anubias once...
O.k., so what do I do with them when I've removed them from the glass?

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