Can Anyone Id This Algae Eater


Fish Fanatic
Jun 1, 2012
Reaction score
Nottinghamshire, UK
I was given a couple of these at the weekend, I don't know what they are and neither did the doner - any ideas ? Look like some kind of pleco or catfish, currently they're about 35 mm long nose to end of tail;



Anyone ?
They're one of the hillstream loach species; can't put my finger on exactly which one.
They do best in tanks with a very, very high flow (as they need highly oxygenated water; air stones won't be enough), plenty of algae and slightly cooler than most tropicals; around 22°C.
Oh; they're not really true algae eaters either; they actually graze on the microscopic fauna that live on the algae, so a meatier diet is better than straight algae.
Hong Kong Loach?
Throwing it out there. Might be close :p
Hillstream as in my entry in fotm for may, lovely interesting fish :)
Sophie1992 said:
Hong Kong Loach?
Throwing it out there. Might be close
They are sometimes called Hong Kong loach, Hong Kong plec, butterfly plec, but hillstream loach is more accurate :)
To be even more correct, I'm pretty sure these are Gastromyzon scitulus. They're one of the more commonly seen species; I have three myself; one of the house's favourite fish; they live in my kitchen :D
fluttermoth said:
Hong Kong Loach?
Throwing it out there. Might be close
They are sometimes called Hong Kong loach, Hong Kong plec, butterfly plec, but hillstream loach is more accurate

To be even more correct, I'm pretty sure these are Gastromyzon scitulus. They're one of the more commonly seen species; I have three myself; one of the house's favourite fish; they live in my kitchen
Learning is cool 

Hillstream Loach sounds better also!
Oh, I got so annoyed with the guy in P@H who corrected me when I said, "do you have any hillstream loach in?"
I gave him such a glare 
He also almost refused to sell me them because when he asked if I had a heater in the tank, I said "yes".
What a wally! He got another glare for that, too

Seriously; their tank is next to my back door, and my kitchen has no heating; it gets freezing out there in the winter!
Ouch, scary! :D I think I can imagine the glare, you should of played Latin names of species bingo with him, see who wins :D
Shelster said:
Ouch, scary!
I think I can imagine the glare, you should of played Latin names of species bingo with him, see who wins
lol, I didn't want to humiliate him too badly; he's probably not used to dealing with people who know what they're talking about ;)
Borneo Sucker is another name for this fish. They are great to watch!
fluttermoth said:
Ouch, scary!
I think I can imagine the glare, you should of played Latin names of species bingo with him, see who wins
lol, I didn't want to humiliate him too badly; he's probably not used to dealing with people who know what they're talking about
Too true - We only get taught so much. Hence why I am so used to saying Hong Kong Loach.
99% of colleagues won't be "into" fish on the side like I am and independently going out and learning :c
Sophie1992 said:
Ouch, scary! :D I think I can imagine the glare, you should of played Latin names of species bingo with him, see who wins :D
lol, I didn't want to humiliate him too badly; he's probably not used to dealing with people who know what they're talking about ;)
Too true - We only get taught so much. Hence why I am so used to saying Hong Kong Loach.
99% of colleagues won't be "into" fish on the side like I am and independently going out and learning :c

Good for you though Sophie! It always helps to have some background knowledge - you may well find clients who are regulars will start asking to see you specifically too :)

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