Can Anyone Id These For Me Please?

They are feather dusters. You will end up with dozens of them in various colours.
Most of these mini varieties only grow to around 10mm span or so.

Pulsing Xenia I've found a very easy one to keep. It also adds a bit of movement to the tank. I've also had no problems with my Green Star Polyps in fact quite the reverse. It's a prolific grower and if not kept in check could become a bit of a pest. Nice looking though.
Most of these mini varieties only grow to around 10mm span or so.

Pulsing Xenia I've found a very easy one to keep. It also adds a bit of movement to the tank. I've also had no problems with my Green Star Polyps in fact quite the reverse. It's a prolific grower and if not kept in check could become a bit of a pest. Nice looking though.
Thanx Cage, I think these are the mini ones as they are not far off 10mm. I will look into those, they both look quite nice. Hmmmm food for thought.

Thanx M8
most soft corals are fairly straight forward to look after.

toadstools, mushrooms, zoas, xenia.

All look good in the right place and need little more than good water quality to thrive.

Dosing maybe beneficial to some though.
most soft corals are fairly straight forward to look after.

toadstools, mushrooms, zoas, xenia.

All look good in the right place and need little more than good water quality to thrive.

Dosing maybe beneficial to some though.
What are your personal favourites Mutant?
i like all. As i said they all have a place n the reef.

Mushrooms look good on lower rocks, toadstools can go pretty much anywhere but can get very large.

Zoas look great once a nice colony has been cultured. a multicoloured zoa garden style garden looks mint.

Xenia spreads like wild fire and adds a lot of movement as it flows and pulses in the water current.

It may come down more to what colours you want and where as to which corals you buy.

All of the above are easy to keep though.
Most of these mini varieties only grow to around 10mm span or so.

Pulsing Xenia I've found a very easy one to keep. It also adds a bit of movement to the tank. I've also had no problems with my Green Star Polyps in fact quite the reverse. It's a prolific grower and if not kept in check could become a bit of a pest. Nice looking though.
Pulsating Xenia are not always the easiest to care for. I have heard from may people that they just cant keep them alive in their tank. Even the guy at the lfs said told me that he can't keep them alive in his home tank. Other people have great success with them. I have a bright pink one that is thriving. I havene't had any problems with it. I guess it is just luck. They like bright light and rapid water movement. That is what I have and it sems to work. good luck.
anthelia is usually the harder one to look after, alot of xenia seem to ship terribly but once settled explode.

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