Can anyone help?


New Member
Jul 7, 2003
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Please check out these pics and tell me what you think. This has slowly progressed over several months, it started with what I thought was an injury from the male nipping at her to get her to spawn. No one seems to know what it is, no other fish are affected, color is good, she still eats and is somewhat active. She is in a 55 gallon tank with other cichlids, I've had the water checked a hundred times :sad: I don't want to treat her for something she doesn't have, although I am considering maracyn 2 or clout. I have added aquarium salt to the water to help her heal, but nothing seems to work. I want to assume it's some kind of nasty internal parasite, but I'm not sure. ANY advice would be EXTREMELY appreciated. If she's already to sick to heal I don't want to put her through any more stress trying to treat her.
Hi westwood8183

It could by one of two things IMO.

1.It look's like a bacterial infection, which has caused a ulcer. It should be able to be treated with antibiotics.

2. It also looks like open Tuberculosis, (which can be passed on to humans, so do not put your hands into the tank, is you have cuts on your hands), this can be treated with Isoniazid + Kanamycin + Vitamin B-6.


You can try looking at this site Fish Doc
it look like an infection caused by a wounding bets to isolate into a hospital tank and treat with an anti bacterial perhaps a form of antibiotic. your local fish shop should have most of what you need see what the others have to say but this fish certainly needs to be seperated into a more sterile environement
Just took a look at your fish. I'll have to agree with Dolphin that it looks like a bacterial infection, could possibly be TB. Usually a swelling like this, with red haemorrhaging and dead tissue and cells (the pale whitish area) is more than likely a result of some sort of bacterial infection. The thing that is throwing me off here is the darkish/grayish areas. This could signify helminth worm larvae encysted just below the skin.

I would listen to Jamnog and separate her immediately. It looks like she is getting more lumps, hard to tell by the photos? How long has this been progressing, you said several months, could you be more specific? Could help in diagnosis. What is her poop like?
I'd go with what dolphin and jamnog said, isolate her and begin treatment with antibiotics. maracyn2 should be fine but you may want to add maracyn as well to be sure you cover gram positive and negative infections, just in case there is something internal.

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