Can Anyone Help?


Fish Connoisseur
Jun 18, 2005
Reaction score
Fresno, CA
One of my C. virginiea/Sangamas has a withered dorsal. It is the original color and not faded, but it is withered from the top down like a piece of black plastic. The tank has been treated for fungus (w/Mardel's Maroxy) before as some of the aeneus pop up with it, but that has had no effect. He has had it for some time and it is beginning to look as if it is progressing. I don't have a picture at this time.

Does anyone have any experience with this??????
One of my C. virginiea/Sangamas has a withered dorsal. It is the original color and not faded, but it is withered from the top down like a piece of black plastic. The tank has been treated for fungus (w/Mardel's Maroxy) before as some of the aeneus pop up with it, but that has had no effect. He has had it for some time and it is beginning to look as if it is progressing. I don't have a picture at this time.

Does anyone have any experience with this??????

A picture would definately help. Does it look like its been picked at? What else do you have in the tank with them? I had a C. axlerodi that did that, but the fin has grown back since then..
It has shriveled up and is a black lump (it is a black fin) half way up the spine--like a shriveled piece of black plastic. No it has not been nibbled and does not look like fungus (cottony) or fin rot (shredded.) Only Cories of similar size and disposition are in the tank. I will see what I can do about a pict tomorrow.

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