Can Anyone Help Me?


Fish Crazy
Jul 23, 2006
Reaction score
County Durham, North-East, UK
Hello, my name is Emma

I have a very strange but interesting project for someone to do.
I am wondering if someone would be so kind and take a minute out of their time to knit me a couple of Hat and Scarf sets.
YES this may sound normal now but I am wanting them for...... Guinea Pigs.

I would like to make a personal Christmas Card and I just saw these...


And I thought it would be fantasic idea.
I can not knit, that is why I have come on to here, to ask someone who will kindly take up my project.

I would love 3 sets, scarfs to match.
Set One: Hat with a pom-pom, any colour.
Set Two: Christmas Hat, obs' the traditional red and white.
Set Three: Any??

Thank you in advance, anyone who can help me with this.
I am willing to pay for the wool, postage, etc.

Emma x
I cant knit either, but you could buy a big scarf and cut the pecies and make them yourself.

i just sent this like to my sister as shes into knitting and crocheting at the minute. She offered to do this for my piggies but i somehow don't thing they would like it -_-

Emma :)

pm sent with sisters email.

sorry the link isn't working but its a picture of a guineapig in a dress lol attempting to get new link
edit this one should work
Thank you Emma.
I would be so greatful.
The picture, the little dress looking cute, I own one of them hairless piggies, she is called Capy, post somewhere in this section with some pictures of her.

I will show everyone the end results.

Emma x
Chopping up knitted stuff wont work. It frayes. How about little cone party type hats and pos ribon for scarf's. Or even pirate patch and hat home made from soft card? Think broad and be original. :good:

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