Can Anyone Help Me With This Pleco?

It appears to be but I couldn't find any good pictures on google. Anyhow, are you aware if it is a sailfin it grows 20"? (from what I read)

EDIT: Actuslly the head patterning looks different from a SP so I dunno.
its a weird pleco it looks like a sailfin pleco, the thing which made me say it was is the eye colour as i have a fish book and the sailfin pleco has a white dot in the middle of its eye and thats what mine has, its all so confusing!!
yeah i know it grows big. its not my fish ive saved it lol it was being treated bladly so ive saved it till
i can get to my local fish place to give it to this man who has 10tanks all big ones
and he has a species tank of plecs so he is going to look after it.
Isnt that a common pleco...plecostumus! Thye get massive like 12" or even larger.
It looks like mine, Liposarcus Pardalis. Mine is 2 years old and measures between 12 - 14" (sorry, can't be more precise). They are supposed to max out at 15". :)
Yeh its a common pleco, can reach 17" ish. often only about 15". are sold as babies for around £1-£3. and then when there over the 7" mark they will only sell for little. you may get abou £5-£10 for him.

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