Can Anyone Help Basil Our Poorly Rock Shrimp?


New Member
Jan 14, 2010
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Hi, we have a tropical mixed community tank with fish, frogs and rock shrimp. We brought Basil the rock shrimp around 3 months ago, went back into the shop just before christmas and Basils mate was still there so we took her home. A week later and she died. After this Basil got really poorly, stopped moving around and filtering and was just on the bottom of the tank.
We do frequent water tests for ammonia and Ph and all have been fine. The others in tank are all fine and we do frequent water changes. We added a carbon filter to tank incase of poisonong and have been putting vitazin in water to try and perk him up. We squirt ground dried blood worm and shrimp food at him but he never filters or moves around the tank. we also find him lying on his side alot and have to prop him up. The only sign that he is alive are he occasionally moves a leg and just under his head is always vibrating.
After the other shrimp died Basil changed colour from a brown to red.
Does anyone have any ideas as this has been going on for nearly three weeks and i dont want him to be suffering.

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