Can anyone tell me the best service they have recieved in an lfs, especially the chains? I work in a Pets at Home store and I am tired of being generalised, as all LFS employees are bad. The wrong impression is being given here.
I couldnt see the point of tropical fish when I got my part time job, I didn't understand how people would want to keep them and spend 100's £'s on them. Then they started to grow on me and I bought my own tank and since have learned more and more about them. I find them fascinating, and I know that not all employees are as dedicated as I. But I do know that PAH take extra care over their customer service and livestock knowledge.
shocking to some of you it might be.
Perhaps you wouldnt be ashamed to admit you didnt know something in a new job, but some of these kids, fresh outta school might be. Plus, these kids need to work somewhere. and why not them? Perhaps they are also in teh job to learn, as I was.
Anyway, whats the best customer service you've recieved in a lfs?
sorry if this post offends anyone.

I couldnt see the point of tropical fish when I got my part time job, I didn't understand how people would want to keep them and spend 100's £'s on them. Then they started to grow on me and I bought my own tank and since have learned more and more about them. I find them fascinating, and I know that not all employees are as dedicated as I. But I do know that PAH take extra care over their customer service and livestock knowledge.
Perhaps you wouldnt be ashamed to admit you didnt know something in a new job, but some of these kids, fresh outta school might be. Plus, these kids need to work somewhere. and why not them? Perhaps they are also in teh job to learn, as I was.
Anyway, whats the best customer service you've recieved in a lfs?
sorry if this post offends anyone.