Can Anyone Determine...


Fish Addict
Jul 30, 2007
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Hiding behind the aqautic plants.
Can anyone determine the breed of this platy. I know that at the fish store they had names at the top, but I can't remember exactly. It was sunset something. And also is it a male? And is the mickey mouse platy a male?


And the mickey mouse platy:

Sunset Platy up top if my eyes are serving me right. It's darker orange towards the tail and lighter up front. It looks male to me, but it's hard to tell.

The other one is just called a Mickey Mouse Platy, although I've never seen one that white. When they get lighter in color, I'm used to seeing a blue tint to the fish and having the fish called a Blue Mickey Mouse Platy.

Great fish.
fish one is a sunset cross with something (note the yellow fin on top)
not sure what sex it is as pic a bit blurry

the white mm is an actual pure breed and is female
Very pretty fish :) Can't sex top pic (too blurry) and is a sunset platy (don't know about it being a cross though). Mickey Mouse is def. a female :)
thanks! I tried to get a better picture of the sunset. Will this help with sexing? Guppies are easy, but I am a first time platy owner lol. How did you know the mm was female?


ok welll from the other pictures you put up i would say that it is a female. and you have a very nice looking guppy too!:# i wish any of my lfs had guppies that look like that. but none of mine do. :(
Your sunset platy is a male going by the clearer second pic. The MM is female. They are the same to sex as a guppy.

Mind you when they are immature they can look more like a female and turn out to be male.
now that i look at it again it does look more male than female. srry about that.
Thanks a lot for the comments!! I appreciate it. Does this mean that my male sunset might try to mate with my MM? I think the babies would be pretty, but I don't know... I would rather keep the MM pure, and same with the sunset... And I am still finding it quite difficult to figure out how to sex them... There is no gravid spot or anything...
Sex them like orange shark mentioned. They will breed. If they are sexually mature and in the same tank, chances are that they have bred already. If you want to keep the lines pure, I would separate the fish.
okay thanks I will go look. And I do not think they have bred yet... He seems not in the slightest bit interested in her. And she is not fat at all... I will soon see I guess lol

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