Can Anybody Help?


Fish Crazy
Sep 22, 2006
Reaction score
Essex, England
I desperately, desperately need to rehome my 2 large plecs. One is an albino common that is about 6", and the other is what I think is a gibby, and is around 9". I bought them due to an unreliable LFS info quite a long time ago when I was told they were BNs. I have become quite attached to them, they are both lovely fish, and this is a reluctant sale but it is not fair to keep them in the 30gal that they are currently in. Please can somebody offer them a home? Either together or seperately, I dont mind but its not fair to keep them in their 30gal! :(

They are both healthy and beautiful, eat well and are seemingly 'friendly' if you know what I mean lol!

Thanks for reading =]
cant you find a local LFS that will buy/take them back or swap em for a few bristlenoses or any ither fish?
Hi Twinkle,

Don't take this the wrong way - but you'll have a very hard time selling them.
Giving them away to a better home will be the only way to do it.

If your lucky you might get credit from a store (but not much)

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