Gibbiceps, like pretty well any other large loricariid catfish, are aggressive towards their own species and others of similar shape. But completely different catfish -- cories, doradids, Synodontis, etc. -- as well as loaches, are completely ignored.They fight each other but what about loaches plec and other catfish?
Depends. It's probably fair to say two females will accept one another more than two males, since it's the males that defend territories and, ultimately, the eggs. So watch and wait.Would one need to get rid of them at say 20cm or so or bigger to avoid this?
Gibbiceps, like pretty well any other large loricariid catfish, are aggressive towards their own species and others of similar shape. But completely different catfish -- cories, doradids, Synodontis, etc. -- as well as loaches, are completely ignored.They fight each other but what about loaches plec and other catfish?
Depends. It's probably fair to say two females will accept one another more than two males, since it's the males that defend territories and, ultimately, the eggs. So watch and wait.Would one need to get rid of them at say 20cm or so or bigger to avoid this?
Cheers, Neale
Two plec would be lovely I wish I knew I could have a big enough tank.