Can Any One Tell Me? :)


New Member
Dec 8, 2008
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hello there would appreciate it if any body could help please. ive been looking at some of these fish find them pretty cool and nice looking

i have a 60gallon 4ft bow fronted tank
with a rena xp3 external filter
fine gravel substrate

its all up and running cycled and every think i have fish in there at the momment but they are being rehomed into my other tank.
was woundering if anybody on here could tell me if any of these fish can be keept together in my tank, a little list of wich ones. and how many of each will go into my tank please.

Nimbochromis venustus... common name... giraffe cichlid kalingo

Sciaenochromis fryeri.... electric blue.... electric blue hap

Labidochromis caeruleus... yellow lab.... electric yellow.. canarycichlid

Metriaclima estherae... red zebra

Pseudotropheus sp... Yellow Tail Acei

non cichlids that will go with cichlids

spotted synadontis (Synodontis Multipunctatus). Pleco/catfish
Ancistrus pleco/catfish
Cochliodon sp pleco/catfish

manky thanks :)
Haps and mbuna generally don't mix. although they can. I have a Sciaenochromis fryeri group in with mine and they are ok. The male can be a bit aggressive to other blue species. Haps are predatory fish who hunt smaller fish. where as mbuna hang out in the rocks eating algae. You should be able to get a few of each say 1 male 3-4 females for each species. I'm pretty sure Nimbochromis venustus are a type of hap *not positive* and get pretty big.
hello there would appreciate it if any body could help please. ive been looking at some of these fish find them pretty cool and nice looking

i have a 60gallon 4ft bow fronted tank
with a rena xp3 external filter
fine gravel substrate

its all up and running cycled and every think i have fish in there at the momment but they are being rehomed into my other tank.
was woundering if anybody on here could tell me if any of these fish can be keept together in my tank, a little list of wich ones. and how many of each will go into my tank please.
Looking at about 18 total the most. Dont know what the rena does, but you need at least 8x turnover per hour as the fish get bigger.

Nimbochromis venustus... common name... giraffe cichlid kalingo
10" to big.

Sciaenochromis fryeri.... electric blue.... electric blue hap

Should be alright. Females are boring.

Labidochromis caeruleus... yellow lab.... electric yellow.. canarycichlid
More likely to crossbreed w/red zebra so homing those two together is looked down upon.

Metriaclima estherae... red zebra
More likely to crossbreed w/yellow lab so homing those two together is looked down upon.

Pseudotropheus sp... Yellow Tail Acei

non cichlids that will go with cichlids

spotted synadontis (Synodontis Multipunctatus). Pleco/catfish
Ancistrus pleco/catfish
Cochliodon sp pleco/catfish

manky thanks :)
I don't know anything about cochlidon, but the other 2 should be ok.

* special note the fryeri is a piscovore (carnivore). The others you'll have are herbivores for the most part.Feeding each species correctly will be difficult. If herbs get to much meaty protein, they could bloat and die.

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