Can an angel fish live in a 10 gal tank?


Fish Herder
Apr 18, 2005
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The rule of one inch of fish per gallon should apply to the inches in an angelfish, right? I've heard people say that they should be in a 15 gallon or more. I've never gotten a clear answer on this, any help?
I say they should be in a tank 30 gallons at least for them to be happy.
Ok, i figured they were a pickier sort of fish. I just got my first tank today, and am in the process of cycling it. Sorry, I feel like such a newbie :thumbs: All I have currently is a male betta and an african dwarf, both in 1 gallons, which isnt really enough. I really love angelfish, but they do not seem to apply to the one ich of fish per gallon rule.
The one inch per gallon rule should always come with the proviso that this applies to slim-bodied fish (like tetras or guppies) only. When you are talking tall fish like angelfish or stocky fish like plecos, you need to weigh that into the equation; their body mass is actually a lot greater than a slim fish of the same length. It is also kinder to allow more swimming space to the fast swimmers like danios. And of course territorial fish may need a lot of space. :fish:
Many years ago I had a pair of angels living and breeding in a 10 gal...Fish of that size need more room tho, so I wouldn't keep them in a small tank today! They will spawn in a breeding tank of that size tho!!!
Angels require a tank of at least 18" high also in order for them to be able to grow to their full potential.
Yeah, IMO a minimum of 30 gallons and 18" high should be for Angels. Personally I'd at least double that for myself as I'd probably try to breed them.
Now this is why I refuse to call the 'inch per gallon GUIDELINE' a 'rule' :p. The thing is that, whilst it first of all, in theory, only applies to small, slim bodied-fish, non-aggressive, non-territorial fish, it doesn't necessarily even apply to them... I mean, you can't keep neon tetras in a 2 gallon tank - that's cause they need to be in a school of 6 or more. You also can't keep 5 zebra danios in a 10 gallon - that's because their activity level makes them a fish suitable only for a 20 gallon tank or more. Similarly, you can't keep 2 opaline gouramies in a 10 gallon - and that's because they'll kill each other :p Just like 2 bettas won't work together in a 4 gallon and why you can't keep a couple of male guppies and a betta in a 5 gallon (bettas don't usualy like guppies much) etc etc...

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