Can African Clawed Frogs Eat Mealworms?

bassline babe

New Member
Dec 6, 2006
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hello :rolleyes:

I recently brought some mealworms for my geckos but when i got them home, i realised they were far to big!! I was just wondering if anyone knew if i cut them up wether african clawed frogs would eat them? seems a shame to chuck them as they cost me a £5 not loads but still a lot for worms lol! One of my clawed frogs recently died but not sure of what so i am being extra careful now ..this is the link to the post i put up on that a few days back..

emily :)
Hmm...personally i'd say no.

I would assume that geckos have stronger crushing power in their jaws than weeny frogs would, and so able to crunch through the strong, chitinous exoskeleton.

I know for sure that mealworms are not recommended for Axolotls, because they have a tendency to swallow things whole and cannot digest the Chitin exoskeleton properly...I would assume the frogs would be the same and need softer bodied prey.

This is just my personal opinion though - i've not kept frogs before but know more about Axolotls, but seeing as they're amphibians i'd assume a lot of their care info would apply.

Wild birds on the other hand would go barmy for mealworms! :good:

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