Can A Red Devil Make Friends?..


New Member
Jul 18, 2006
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We currently have a 4 Year old Red Devil (JIM) And have given him a few friends to help liven up his day.

We have added-

2 Platinum Lyretail Molly's, Male and Female,
A beautifull Blue Cyphotilapia frontosa, Only quite small yet but has set him self up quite a good home! lol
5 Danio's That quite happily swin around,
And 2 Humpheads.. They are such characters B)
Thanks for all the comments everyone.. -_-

All the fish are getting along well..

Perfect little family of fish!!

Well, they are perfect to me. :)

We currently have a 4 Year old Red Devil (JIM) And have given him a few friends to help liven up his day.

We have added-

2 Platinum Lyretail Molly's, Male and Female,
A beautifull Blue Cyphotilapia frontosa, Only quite small yet but has set him self up quite a good home! lol
5 Danio's That quite happily swin around,
And 2 Humpheads.. They are such characters B)

Your Red Devil is gentle enough to be housed with Mollies and Danios?!

Mine killed a Dempsey that was his size!

:clap: Wow.


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