Can a betta have a stroke?


Fish Addict
Dec 21, 2003
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Ok.. history on this betta. I was at my LFS (which is owned by a friend of mine) when he came in. He had the worst case of popeye I've ever seen. Plus his tail was in ROUGH shape. Hes a crowntail, pretty one too! Well she treated him for the popeye and I bought him. I dont know how hold he is. It took 2 weeks before this guy would eat when I brought him home. He wouldn't touch ANYTHING I put in there, peas, frozen bloodworms, flakes, bio gold.. nothing. Now he will only eat bio gold and bloodworms. Wont touch anything else. Hes always been somewhat unhappy. I've been treating with melefix cause I cant find any bettamax, for the messed up tail fin. (But not constant cause I hate medicating.... I treat like every other week, but its not helping.) All my other bettas (8 of em) get excited when I come up. He sits completely still and just stares at me. I am very good about water quality. I put him next to another male (both in one gals just pushed right up against eachother) and that perked him up a bit. Now I've got him next to a female to see if that would make him happy... he showed no intrest for 2 days (this was after the prob I'm getting to) and now he flares at her now and again, but hes no where near like the other boys get. And its really only a half attempt yk?

So anyways. The other day he all of a sudden flared out all his fins AND his gills and floated to the bottom and landed on his side very stiff completely flared out. He stayed this way not even twitching a gill for about a minute when he got himself upright and a few seconds later slowly started to 'pump' his gills closed to a normal position. He swims fine, eats fine (what he eats) and isn't any different now than he was. I wasn't doing anything in or around his tank.. nothing was different than it is every other day. What was that? Its really been bothering me, happened a few days ago. What can I do to make this guy happier? Here are three pictures of him so you can see his tail fin.

This is how he is all the time... how he holds his fins.
Last picture. This pic hes looking in a mirror.. (and was for a few min) he doesn't flare at himself very often. I can hold a mirror up for ten min and not get one flare. But he does it every now and then. Just doesn't seem to care.
Um. I dont know what "male fins" are. He IS a male. I know how to tell the difference. And just so you'll believe me, he doesn't even have an ovipositor.
ok my bad :D , iv noticed that males have these fins hanging under them just a lil ways behind their head and because he had them folded i couldn't tell but i took another look, your right :thumbs:

sry about that :)
Those are called "ventrals", and females have them too. :nod:
i've heard of fish going into some kind of seizure or something like that (never expierneced it myself). but it could have been something neurotic, i don't think it'd be a stroke htough but you never know -_- if he seems to be fine even after the accdient i wouldn't worry about it too much. (must have been weird to see :blink:)

As for making him ahppier...maybe he IShappy :p just never show it too much. There are some bettas that'll just never flare :dunno: but they are healthy. Maybe eh's just a grumpy one :wub:

btw i absoutely love his coloring :wub: HTH
Thanks Cutecotton. Yeah hes been ok. No repeat. I changed his location a little bit today and he seems to be swimming a little more. I've also got him in a different container all together. Its a critter keeper type and that seemed to intrest him.

I love his colors too. He really is a gorgeous boy! I just need to get his tail in better condition. Heres another pic.
aww look at that pic..he looks like he just crashed landed onto the bottom of the tank! :blink: :wub:

i think the change of scenery is definitely exciting him and perking him up :) that tail isnt' as bad as you think it is :D
thank for clearin that up for me cation, iv never noticed those ventrals on females :D i guess im jus blind :blink: :D

Hey amber, hes a really pretty fish gl

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