Can A Betta Flare So Much That One Of His Fins Split In Half?


Sep 3, 2005
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I have a betta in a 1g and yesterday I put a mirror behind his tank for 20 minutes but forgot about it and took a shower. When I got out and looked at him his bottom fin was spilt in half. It wasn't ragged and it didn't have any chew marks it was a clean spilt right down the middle of his bottom fin. Was the constant flaring and spreading his fins out what made it rip or what? Also should I put salt in the tank to help keep bacteria off the fin and help it recover faster?
Well. I guess so, I've done that before by accident, came back 30 minutes later and his cadual fin was split down the center. But I'm not sure..
Yes they can. I had one flare up so much it looked as if it had been beaten up by 20 bettas. So I asked Wuv and she told me that they could flare up so much thier fins split...
Yes they can. I had one flare up so much it looked as if it had been beaten up by 20 bettas. So I asked Wuv and she told me that they could flare up so much thier fins split...

Well, at least your fish is recovering nicely after being moved to his new home.
Yup. That's one of the reasons I never intentionally flare my boys; they do it enough on their own when they get excited about feedings. My VTs always blow their fins if they see another male. They will also do it if they get stressed out and start "pacing" back and forth in the tank (one of my males started this when I moved him to my computer desk; laptop scared the heck out of him).

I'm sure that a little dab of salt or bettafix will have his tail back to normal soon.
Aquarium salt is safest because it doesn't have additives like Iodine. I think that possibly Kosher salt is safe, but its not really worth risking it.

I THINK the dose is 1 teaspoon per gallon, but I would wait for someone who knows for sure. The answer really is, "whatever 1/5 tablespoon is.
Yeah thats what the label says but I wasn't sure if you were supposed to give a weaker dose because it was only a ripped fin and that it was a betta and they didn't need that much salt. Just out of curisoty what would happen if someone used aquarium salt on a hamburger or something?
I hope you mean to eat yourself, not to feed to a fish. :lol:

I think it would taste like a very concentrated amount of salt on a burger. ::shrugs:: I've eaten aquarium salt before, it isn't that good. You should try sea salt if you are a salt fan, or mineral salt from Utah.
No no, I said I'd eaten the salt before, not on a burger.

Why? Curiosity/stupidity. :lol:
You're all nuts. :lol:
Ollie, one of my boys occassionally tears his tail. Never a big amount. I don't put salt in his tank either when he does. The water is kept very clean (He has a 10g with filter etc) and he's never had any problems. It only happens when he has an even more beserk moment than normal, bless him. He hasn't split any due to flaring, despite the fact he likes to flare at his background picture regularly. :rolleyes: I'm still under the impression that a fresh water fish, that wouldn't come across salt water in it's natural enviroment....ever, really shouldn't have it in captive conditions either. But each to their own.

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