Can A 81cmx31cm Stand Hold A 81cmx36 Tank?


Fish Fanatic
Apr 6, 2009
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As in title, will a few centimetres hanging off the front and back make any difference? I really need a stand and i'm stuggling to find one. Thanks
Without doing the actual physics it's hard to say for certain.

I definitely wouldn't though, is it really worth the risk? All it takes is one big crack and you'll have water on floor, fish on floor, carpet/floor ruined, lost money on tank and fish. Not to mention the guilt you'd feel for causing it in the first place!
I wouldnt do it, there will be nothing to support the weight of the tank when full of water and could cause stress on the glass, resulting in the above scenario.

You could however, get a piece of MDF/Wood the size of the tank and put them under it on the stand to create support.
Thanks, i'll get an add going in the wanted section. My tanks ready to be filled but i have nothing to put it on :(
Cut a 3/4" thick piece of plywood slightly larger than the bottom of the tank. Put this between the tank and stand.

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