Can 4 Clown loaches and

I have 3 Clowns and a shark getting along fine. In fact it's one of the recommdended cmbinations I've seen posted. Just be sure you know how large the Clowns will get. Eventually they'll need a 150g tank.
RTBS can get along with most fish but they can become very terotorial and agressive when older and fish they once happily lived side by side with become a target. Clown loachs are a pretty safe combo with rtbs but you still shouldn't rule out the posibility that things could go wrong down the line, the larger the tank you have the less likely the shark will become terotorial though.
Mine has lived happily with clown loaches for years, it does get a little boisterous at times if they try and steal here favourite cave, but in general they're a pretty good combo and they spend most of their time following the shark around..

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